Monday, December 13, 2010

Two Odd Club Nights

A couple weekends ago, I went out both Friday and Saturday night with two entirely different crowds of people. And each night ended up having quite a story, to which I've given both names to accompany the stories:

Night One: The Bite
My Brit roommate and I were invited to a club right in the middle of downtown KL by some of the young Chinese ladies who work in the HQ of the company I work for. It ended up being 3-4 guys and about 8-9 women, good odds in my book. The way ppl avoid paying cover charges for clubs here is to buy a certain amount of alcohol to get a certain number of people in; so we committed to buying two bottles of Hennessy. So I'm there having a good time, mingling with cute little Chinese women. Two dance in the cages above the bar, good for scenery. LOL. Everybody is enjoying themselves. Then one chick hits that point where she is just way too drunk. As the biggest person there, I have to be the one to carry her to the car. I was hoping to kind of walk her to the car, but she stumbles and falls in the three step walk to where I'm standing. So I reach down, grab her by the underarms and start picking her up. As I'm picking her up and her head is passing my chest area, she bites me on the collarbone. I mean, locks on like a pitbull on the ankle of someone robbing their owner's house. She was locked on for a good 10-12 seconds or so. Long enough for me (be reminded, I'm dark skinned) to have teeth marks on my collar bone for about 3-4 days after. I had to throw her over my shoulder and then toss her into the guy's car. I certainly hope she didn't throw up all over his back seat...

Night 2: Rent-A-Cops on Patrol
The following night, still with bite marks on my collarbone, I head out to a spot called HQ with some Kenyan and Tanzanian ladies I know. The promotion they have for Ladies Night is that all women get in free and get long island iced teas from the bar free all night. Meanwhile, I have to pay a cover charge and buy my drinks. So after a drink or two, I decide I don't wanna spend anymore money. So the ladies decide that they'll help me out and just hand me some of the free drinks they keep getting. I'm down, at this point I'm dancing a little bit but mostly chilling and socializing with the ladies. Two of them have slight crushes on me at the same time, but how that manifests itself is a story for another day. At one point as I'm finishing one of the ladies' drinks and the security guard walks up to me and pulls that "Ay man, the free drinks are just for the women." In my mind, "Go sit down rent-a-cop." But of course, I stay polite "She said she wasn't going to finish her drink and asked me too, that's all." So he leaves but assigns one of his lackies to stand near us and watch if I take anymore drinks. I'm guessing the guy was supposed to do it secretly, but I was onto the schmuck the instead he stopped halfway up the stairs and kept peeking at me. So i don't drink anything for a while. I know the guy is watching to see if I will drink, plus the fact that I see him peeking at me sometimes is creeping me out anyway. I guess the chicks didn't spot him, because one of them pours her drink into a cup between me and one of the women. Even without me touching it, the schmuck from the stairs runs down grabs the cup and signals for me to get out of the club. First of all, he isn't wearing anything identifying himself as an employee in the first place. Secondly, I came to your club, paid a cover charge, paid for a few drinks, and brought five women with me. Don't get me wrong, I realize I was technically breaking the spirit of the rules u've laid out but You should pray for more guys like me to come there. I'm helping the guy-to-girl ratio which attracts other guys (who have to spend money) to come to your club. Beyond all that, u give a girl a free drink and then snatch it off the table in front of her. Not a good look as we say. So the chick goes and rips someone a new one and gets her drink back. By this time, my mood is somewhat ruined. The rent-a-cop and his lackey put a damper on an otherwise good night.

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