Saturday, October 9, 2010

A Bad Bill of Health

Date: 08/25/10

On another note, I met a Nigerian student who lives him my apartment complex. He’s a lbig dude named Uwa who approached me saying he wanted to talk to me sometime about eating healthy. So I hit him up another time to figure out what he’s talking about. He and an older Malay Indian lady served the Herbalife supplement that’s gotten so popular to people for free at a location in the complex. First they take your height and put you barefoot on a scale that apparently knows absolutely everything; weight, body fat, age in wear-and-tear of organs, water composition, level of internal fat around internal organs, 1-10 point scale of athleticism of the person, etc. Somehow I figured the scale was gonna spit out some foolishness; I was right. The scale said I weigh 87 kilos (about 190), which seems to be about right. According to her chart, I’m about 30 lbs (14 kgs) overweight for my height, 1.83 meters (6’1. 75 or so). 30 pounds. I know I’m not small, but would you respect me as a grown man at almost 6’2, 160? I put a picture below of how I looked the last time I weighed 160, how am I supposed to get respect as a grown man at that size in 2010? No sir, I don't want that. The scale said I’m almost 25% body fat (last time I had a body fat test I was below 10%), I was a 3 on a ten-point scale of athleticism. I’m a few months removed from being an all-ACC athlete and I was going to the gym doing double cardio before I came to Malaysia. According to the scale, my organs are significantly older than I am in wear-and-tear, and I have an extremely high almost dangerous level of fat around my internal organs and all kinds of craziness. Now, I know I’m predisposed to high cholesterol in my family, that’s a fact. But all this other stuff is garbage. They say they want me to take the supplement as dinner, which they serve for free, and I will see a notable change in the numbers. I’m gonna play the game and see what happens because they not actual salespeople but just people who publicize the product; they won’t sell it to you even if you want them to they say. Healthier is always better and I know about the cholesterol history so anything is worth a quick try. But you heard it hear first; those test numbers were some BS. We’ll see what’s up after a week or two of taking this stuff for diner. But anyway, I got my music popping, it’s almost payday and I should be getting the Internet and cable soon. I’m feeling alright at the moment. Selamat malam…

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