Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Missing the Concept

If you don't know by now, Malaysia where I am is a Muslim country. The Malays, the natives of the country, make up over half the population and they are a Muslim people. Almost all of the Muslim women wear head scarves to cover their hair when they are anywhere outside of their homes. But at the same time, they'll wear tights or skin tight jeans or whatever. Maybe I'm missing something. I was under the impression that the concept was that the cover was to shield people from seeing your body and curves. They are only supposed to be seen and appreciated by the husband was my understanding. Well, apparently, not in Malaysia. In the Middle East, shariah law (the Muslim system of law) is enforced to the letter in fundamentalist and (personal opinion) extreme fashion. Women can still be stoned, burned, and a host of other things for even the most minor interaction or effort to attract a man other than their husband. Someone who used to enforcing such lawas would lose their mind if they saw some of these women, especially those with real curves, walking around in skin tight jeans to accompany their head scarves. I'm a little confused by it myself. But what do I know? LOL

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