Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Satay and Steamboat

I was once asked "What foods from here in Malaysia will I miss the most when i leave?" I hadn't thought through a good answer at the time. But know I think I know at least a few of them. Satay is grilled marinated meat (chicken, beef or lamb usually) on a skewer stick which is served with peanut sauce. I'm not sure what the marinade is, but it's great and I like it. They're a great side to a meal. Plus you can get 10 skewers for 6 ringgits (about $2 US). As far as steamboat, it's similar to the fondue restaurants in the US, like "The Melting Pot." You pick your soup of choice to start; and there were some interesting options. Everything from Chinese Herbal Soup to Pumpkin Porridge Broth is available for cooking your foods in. The foods are mainly seafood: fish balls, shrimp, etc. The Chinese herbal soup helped amplify the flavor of the foods. The downfall of course is that you have to cook your own food to an extent. It doesn't take long with seafood, but either way, you still have to spend your own valuable time waiting for your food to finish cooking in your soup of choice. But either way, they are two foods that I will true miss when I leave the country.

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