Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Challenge

I knew the day was coming, but I didn't know exactly when. The day I'm speaking of is the day where one of the older gentlemen at one of the parties involved in my project publicly questions my abilities because I'm young and inexperienced. Well, at our site meeting yesterday, the head of our consultant engineering side did just that. Even went so far as to call me "incompetent." Now, I understand in spirit what he's saying. I'm young, I'm not Malaysian (as he point out a few times) and I'm not experienced. It's a big, expensive project and the man doesn't really know me or what I do. So to be real, I understand his concern although I still wish he would've taken it up with me personally first before trying to make things into a public issue. So I have to use it as motivation. The point of coming here is to build the resume getting REAL experience. It's already real and if I've truly caught his attention, it's probably about to get realer very soon. So that means I gotta get my game tight and become better at what I do. Adversity builds character. A man is not judged by how he acts in times of comfort, he is judged by how he responds in times of adversity. There's a lot to being 'great' at my job and it's not gonna happen overnight because you literally have to have seen and know how everything is built efficiently. But I'm committed to working t0 be better at it. So as of today, can't say whether I'll sink or swim, but I'm jumping in the water. Selamat malam...

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